Posted in demons, discernment, exorcism, forea, grace, Mexico, ritual

Catholic priests attempt to exorcise all demons from Mexico

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I read, shaking my head the whole time, a news article from today, June 16, 2015, noting that some Catholic archbishops and other religious muckey-mucks got together to exorcise the demons from Mexico. All of them. Nationwide.


What happens when an entire country becomes infested with demons?

Vatican City, Jun 16, 2015 / 03:09 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Can a country with deep Christian roots like Mexico find itself at the mercy of demons? Some in the Church fear so. And as a result, they called for a nation-wide exorcism of Mexico, carried out quietly last month in the cathedral of San Luis Potosí. High levels of violence, as well as drug cartels and abortion in the country, were the motivation behind the special rite of exorcism, known as “Exorcismo Magno.”

I want to state at the outset, that Catholicism is NOT CHRISTIAN. This is critical to understand. Catholicism is no more Christian than Wicca or Hinduism. It is a false religion. More on that in a moment.

Curious, I googled “Exorcismo Magno” and found this article, translated from the Spanish from September 2014.

José Antonio Fortea Cucurull is a Spanish writer,
and a Roman Catholic priest and exorcist
of the diocese of Alcalá de Henares. Wikipedia

“El Exorcismo Magno”: Nueva obra del P. José Antonio Fortea
“The Great Exorcism”: New work of Father José Antonio Fortea

Father Fortea presented this new work indicating that “every year in several countries, not many, there are meetings of exorcists. These national meetings usually gather no less than fifty exorcists, usually more than hundred. Between national and international conferences, usually take a year, worldwide, about seven of these annual meetings.” “When nearly a year ago, I attended as a speaker at one of these conferences, I explained to exorcists that exorcístico power can be applied not only to relieve a person of demonic possession, or release a home infestation. But you can also exorcise the infernal forces to move away from a parish, of a city, of a diocese or of the universal Church.”

What?!?! The Catholic Church has had the ritual ability and power to drive all demons from the entire Church this whole time…and hasn’t? Of course they do not have this power, but I make a remark similar to the Charismatics like Benny Hinn who claim power to heal, yet never go to a hospital to do so.

EPrata art

But wait, it seems that this Grand Exorcism, or El Exorcismo Magno, is a new idea from the Father Fortea. Last year at the meeting, he proposed it, and this Mexican Grand Exorcism has just been tried out for the first time.

At the meeting last year when Fr. Fortea proposed a grand exorcism, he wrote,

Canon law prohibits perform exorcisms on people harassed by the devil. But does not prohibit, alone, exorcise the demons of the world.

After over 1000 years, the Catholic Church gets a clue they they have the power to rid the world of demons? By the way, this clearly demonstrates their hubris, pride, and misapplied energies. The Bible says satan is god of this world. (2 Corinthians 4:4). If the RCC believes it has the power to rid the world of satan, they are then saying they are the god of this world, and disbelieve what God has said through His inspired word that satan is.

Back to the original article I posted, “What happens when an entire country becomes infested with demons?

Cardinal Juan Sandoval Íñiguez, the archbishop emeritus of Guadalajara, presided at the closed doors ceremony, the first ever in the history of Mexico. Also participating were Archbishop Jesús Carlos Cabrero of San Luis Potosí, Spanish demonologist and exorcist Father José Antonio Fortea, and a smaller group of priests and lay people. The event was not made known to the general public beforehand. According to Archbishop Cabrero, the reserved character of the May 20 ceremony was intended to avoid any misguided interpretations of the ritual. But how can an entire country become infested by demons to the point that it’s necessary to resort to an Exorcismo Magno? “To the extent sin increases more and more in a country, to that extent it becomes easier for the demons to tempt (people),” Fr. Fortea told CNA.

Did Jesus ever drive out a demon in secret? Or do anything in secret?

Jesus answered him, “I have spoken openly to the world. I have always taught in synagogues and in the temple, where all Jews come together. I have said nothing in secret. (John 18:20) 

The 3 reasons the Father said they must do it in secret are these:

EPrata photo & artwork

1. Otherwise, the news of this exorcism can cause the cathedral is so crowded that literally impossible to perform the smallest movement therein
2. Moreover, a small number of participants (30, 40 and 50 lay people) It can concentrate much more on the ceremony. Intimacy, undoubtedly benefits this ceremonial.
3. The presence of a crowd disperse the concentration of the celebrants.

DUJARDIN, Karel, 1663,
Paul Healing the Cripple at Lystra

Peter healed in full view of the throngs in Solomon’s Portico (Acts 3:1-9). Peter healed in the midst of crowds. (Acts 5). Paul healed Eutychus who had fallen out the window and fell on his head. Paul ran to the boy and raised him from the dead, irrespective of crowds standing nearby. Paul also healed in the midst of crowds, (Acts 14:9-10)

Maybe this internet age has wrought a lesser ability to concentrate on healing and exorcising. Yeah, that must be it.

Nevertheless, he emphasized that “if with the power we’ve received from Christ we expel the demons from a country, this will certainly have positive repercussions, because we’ll make a great number of the tempters flee, even if this exorcism is partial.”

And, partial? As if Jesus didn’t make the demons shudder just by showing up? He always had complete command over demons, and fully and totally healed, which is what an exorcism is.

Jesus healed totally. Peter’s mother-in-law was cured of all her symptoms and went at once from being bedridden to serving a meal. When Jesus healed a man “covered with leprosy” (Luke 5:12), “the leprosy left him” (v. 13). It was the same with all of Jesus’ healings; “the blind receive[d] sight and the lame walk[ed], the lepers [were] cleansed and the deaf hear[d]” (Matt. 11:5). (source)

When the legion of demons were in the Gadarene demoniac, Jesus didn’t exorcise 5,998 of them. Once Jesus exorcised, ALL of them were gone and the man was sitting next to Jesus clothed and in his right mind. (Mark 5:1-15)

The Catholic exorcists are not known to Jesus by faith. When impostor exorcists attempt to drive out demons, this is what happens:

Then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcists undertook to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying, “I adjure you by the Jesus whom Paul proclaims.” 14Seven sons of a Jewish high priest named Sceva were doing this. 15But the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and Paul I recognize, but who are you?” 16And the man in whom was the evil spirit leaped on them, mastered all of them and overpowered them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded. (Acts 19:13-16)

Matthew Henry says of the Sons of Sceva incident:

It was common, especially among the Jews, for persons to profess or to try to cast out evil spirits. If we resist the devil by faith in Christ, he will flee from us; but if we think to resist him by the using of Christ’s name, or his works, as a spell or charm, Satan will prevail against us.

Faithlife Study Bible says

19:15 I know The demon claims to have knowledge of Jesus. He understands the person and position of the Lord. The demons tremble before Him (Jas 2:19).

I am acquainted with The demon expresses his knowledge of Paul even though he may not have dealt with him directly.

who are you The demon does not have any information about the sons of Sceva. Because they were not servants of the true God, the demon recognizes that they are illegitimate.

19:16 subdued The actions of leaping and subduing express supernaturally enhanced movements. The demon-possessed man completely overpowers the sons of Sceva.

all of them Luke emphasizes that one man overwhelmed seven others. This further illustrates the demon’s extreme might and the exorcists’ lack of any true power.

naked and wounded The fraudulent claims of the son of Sceva leave them in embarrassment.

19:17 fear See 5:5, 11. When the Church or the world sees the true nature of God’s authority, they fear Him.

Barry, J. D., Heiser, M. S., Faithlife Study Bible (Ac 19:15–17).

Father Forea in his proposal paper/thesis then spends dozens of pages outlining the particular details for how the ceremony of exorcism should take place. It should be in a cathedral, after dark, near compline, with priests dressed in certain ways, proceeding in certain directions, praying certain prayers, like this excerpt-

Holy Mother of God, pray for us Holy Mary, Queen of Angels … I declare anathema, Satan, enemy of salvation human; recognizes the justice and goodness of God the Father, which, fair trial, condemned your pride and your envy: Depart from this Temple, of this city, of this diocese and the universal Church. I conjure thee, Satan, Prince of this world recognizes the power and strength of Jesus Christ who beat you in the desert, exceeded your snares in the Garden, emptied on the Cross, and risen from the tomb your trophies transferred to the kingdom of light: Church retire. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

It should be said “in a commanding tone”. There are a great many prayers and litanies, here is another excerpt

Exorcise all evil spirit that tries to attack the Church. Exorcise all satanic power that attacks the Church. In the name and power of Jesus Christ, I order you to go out and run away from the Church of God, souls created image of God and redeemed by the Precious Blood of the Divine Cordero. Henceforth not you dare, perfidísima snake deceive human race, persecute the Church of God and sift the elected. Almighty God commands you, who in your insolent asemejarte even pretend pride. Through Christ our Lord. Amen

Remember, this is google translated from Spanish. Then there is a looooong prayer to Mary. it is called the Litany of the Virgin.

Holy Mary, pray for us
pray for us.
Holy Mother of God,
Holy Virgin of Virgins,
Mother of Christ,
Mother of the Church,
Mother of divine grace,
Pure Mother,
Mother most chaste,
Mother always virgin,
Immaculate Mother,
Gentle mother,
Admirable mother,
Mother of Good Counsel,
Mother of the Creator,
Mother of the Savior,
Mother of Mercy,
Virgin most prudent,
Virgin worthy of veneration,
Virgin worthy of praise,
Virgin most powerful,
Clement Virgin,
Faithful Virgin,
Mirror of justice,
Throne of wisdom,
Cause of our joy,
Spiritual vessel,
Vessel of honor,
Vessel of devotion,
Mystical rose,
Tower of David,
Ivory tower,
House of gold,
Ark of the Covenant
Heaven’s Gate,
Morning Star,
Health of the Sick,
Refuge of Sinners,
Comforter of the afflicted,
Help of Christians,
Queen of Angels,
Queen of the Patriarchs,
Queen of Prophets,
Queen of Apostles,
Queen of Martyrs,
Queen of Confessors,
Queen of Virgins,
Queen of All Saints,
Queen conceived without original sin,
Queen assumed into Heaven,
Queen of the Holy Rosary,
Queen of the family,
Queen of Peace.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sin
of the world,
Forgive us, Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sin
of the world,
hear us, Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sin
of the world,
Have mercy on us.
Pray for us, Holy Mother of
That we may be worthy of the promises

Did you know that the Catholic philosophy of the Immaculate Conception does NOT refer to the conception of Jesus in Mary’s womb by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit? Catholic Dogma believes that Mary was conceived without original sin, that’s why you see that reference in the prayer for national exorcism which Father Forea has developed. Where it says ‘Queen assumed into heaven’ it is a reference to Catholic philosophy of the Assumption of Mary, where she was lifted alive and bodily into heaven. Mary has as many names and titles and appellations as Jesus, doesn’t she.

The Catholics certainly worship venerate Mary very highly, don’t they.

In reading Father Forea’s thesis, his emphasis on ritual, formality, and symbolism is explained throughout. There is a lot of it. A whole lot. In his 50 page book the word symbol or symbolism is written 29 times. Ritual occurs 69 times.

Yet we learn when Jesus confronted the Pharisees, he abhorred empty symbolism and pointless ritual.

what surfaces, starting in verse 38, is the nature of false religion. Point one, they loved the symbolic; they loved the symbolic. … and this is how it is, my friend, with false religion. They love the symbols. When we were in Moscow a few months ago, slipped into a Greek Orthodox church–literally repulsed by extravagant symbolism. You stand in one spot and this parade goes on of people with all these elaborate dressings and head dresses and waving censors, and icons all over everywhere. It literally blasts your senses; it’s so garish, bizarre, and people walking in endless circles and mumbling incomprehensible drivel and waving things in the air–and these poor, sad souls trying somehow to connect with the external. But religion that has nothing inside proliferates the symbolic. Look at the Roman Catholic Church, just full of it…full of it. False religion loves symbols. (How to Evangelize Religious People, Luke 11:37-44)

Our precious Savior, Jesus, loves His sheep with a grace and a force and a purity that is wondrous to behold. Our relationship with him is direct and personal, no ceremonies or rituals or symbols need apply. The Holy Spirit dwells within every believer, giving witness to the power of our Redeemer to create in us a new heart. He is the deposit of the guarantee of future inheritance. No one can snatch us out of His hand, our salvation and eternality with Him is ever secure. His Gospel of grace is magnificent- and sufficient.

For the Catholic, they lack this assurance. That’s why they worry about demons and rituals and symbols. They don’t know about grace. They are told they must work to attain heaven, completing the work that Jesus started- yet are never quite sure when they have gotten there.

Jesus said: …Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.(Matthew 11:29-30)

The Catholic lacks this rest. His burden is heavy and the yoke is hard. For the priests walking around mumbling incantations to expel demons form an entire nation, they are no different than the whitewashed Pharisees who walked around the market stalls mumbling long prayers. When the demonic exorcism fails, and it will and it did, the priests can go back to their national meeting and adjust the ceremony by tweaking the color of the ceremonial garb, reverse the prayer walk around the cathedral,  perform it at matins and not compline…they will endlessly look for just the right recipe that will work, but they don’t know that the work was done by Jesus.

Exorcism occurs when the given Gospel message seed planted in the heart is grown by Christ and hearts are changed. That is the only way on this side of heaven to drive out demons in a nation. (Acts 17:6). Even Jesus didn’t raise His hands and command all demons to depart from Judea. (He could have, of course He has the power)

Catholic people, Rest in His grace, appeal to His mercy. Repent of your sins to Him the Judge. We need to present the Gospel to Mexico- it is the Gospel that changes hearts. And to America as well. Because this tweet, right after the original tweet containing the news link, is so true-

Posted in demon possession, discernment, exorcism, priests, vatican

Vatican struggling to keep up with exorcism demand

“Traditionally there are certain signs that often accompany true cases of possession,” the priest said, “things that are difficult if not impossible to explain otherwise.” These signs include aversion for sacred objects, the sudden ability to speak languages that the person has never studied or had contact with, the movement of objects with no physical cause, sharp changes in mood that are not attributable to psychological reasons, and other such things, he told Breitbart.

And so begins a recent article titled  Vatican Exorcism Course Draws 170 Students to Study Demonic Activity, where the Vatican reports an increase in demonic possession and the increasing need for ‘exorcists’. The article focused on the busting-at-the-seams demonic deliverance training classes now being held at the Vatican.

One concept to note in that quote, and there is much to discuss about this, is that the priest holding the demon-busting classes said that frequently a sign of possession is speaking in a language one has not learned. This is known as speaking in tongues.

Typically when a ‘miracle’ or ‘manifestation’ of something supernatural appears, witnesses usually ascribe it to Jesus or heaven. However, just because an event occurs which is obviously supernatural, it doesn’t mean it is sent from heaven. Usually it is NOT. In 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 we read that men masquerade as false apostles, satan appears as an angel of light, and demons disguise themselves as servants of righteousness.

Satan and his unholy angels have powers that allow them within limits to counterfeit miracles. Read Exodus 7:8-11,

Then the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, 9“When Pharaoh says to you, ‘Prove yourselves by working a miracle,’ then you shall say to Aaron, ‘Take your staff and cast it down before Pharaoh, that it may become a serpent.’” 10So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and did just as the Lord commanded. Aaron cast down his staff before Pharaoh and his servants, and it became a serpent. 11Then Pharaoh summoned the wise men and the sorcerers, and they, the magicians of Egypt, also did the same by their secret arts.

Getting even more specific, in discussing the particular gift of tongues, that was a gift given to the early church and the early church only. The gift of tongues is recorded in Acts 2:4-5.

And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. 5 Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men from every nation under heaven. 6 And at this sound the multitude came together, and they were bewildered, because each one was hearing them speak in his own language.

A Roman Catholic Crucifix.

This is a sign gift, and the gift of tongues and other sign gifts were temporary. They ceased with the passing of the Apostles. People do not speak in tongues anymore. Not genuinely anyway. (For biblical reasons why this is true, go here )

As for the non-genuine ways people speak in tongues, you might be surprised to discover that speaking gibberish, jerking involuntarily, and falling down insensate is a sign that a person is possessed by a demon, not speaking a heavenly language or filled with a heavenly spirit.

You might be even more surprised to discover that those signs as they are manifested in a person are commonly manifested in false religions, such as Hinduism.

Now, this may be a little bit anticlimactic because this has already been discussed somewhat. But for those who may be tuning in on the Internet and haven’t been here at the conference, which theological group does the following: heretic jerking and shaking, uncontrollable laughter, being slain in the Spirit, they prophesy and they speak in tongues. Of course, most people would think of Charismatics/Word of Faith, it’s actually Hindus.

Hindus do all of these things as well and has already been mentioned in this conference, you can look at video clips of Hindus practicing this thing known as Kundalani(?), it’s a subset, a little discipline within Hinduism. You can look at clips of Hindu Kundalani, and look of clips of professing Charismatic Christians and they are absolutely indistinguishable. You cannot tell the difference, the exact same kind of behavior. And so that should give us really a lot of pause before we start to say, “Oh, well so-and-so is speaking in tongues, or so-and-so is being slain in the Spirit, that’s a sign of God’s hand on that person, that’s a sign of spirituality.” Absolutely not. There may be a spirit at work, but it is not the Holy Spirit…it is not the Holy Spirit. (Source)

The irony, sadly, is that the Catholic priests being trained to exorcise these demons are dividing their own kingdom. The Catholic Church and its priests and adherents are under the bondage of satan, not submitted to Christ. The RCC is the most satanically successful religious organization on earth, it is not of the true faith. Trained or not, its priests have no authority over satan but are sadly under his authority.

In this passage, when Jesus cast out a demon from a man, and healed his muteness and blindness, the Pharisees descended to a panic when the people began wondering if Jesus was the promised deliverer of Israel.

And all the people were amazed, and said, “Can this be the Son of David?” 24But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, “It is only by Beelzebul, the prince of demons, that this man casts out demons.” 25Knowing their thoughts, he said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand. 26And if Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand? 27And if I cast out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore they will be your judges.

In his commentary, MacArthur says of this verse,

And it is further true that Satan often disguises himself as an angel of light, (2 Cor 11:14). In that role he may pretend to cast out a demon by restricting its power over the possessed person in order to give the impression of a cleansing. That sort of supposed exorcism has been common throughout the history of the church and is practiced today by various cults, false healers, and exorcists.

Sons of Sceva, Matthias Scheits (c.1630-1700)

Yes, satan is a real being and actively at work in this world sowing evil, lies, and despair. He is a destroyer. However the priests have no authority over any demon, and any one they cast out would be a false show, a lie, or an accident. Remember the Sons of Sceva?

Then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcists undertook to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying, “I adjure you by the Jesus whom Paul proclaims.” 14Seven sons of a Jewish high priest named Sceva were doing this. 15But the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and Paul I recognize, but who are you?” 16And the man in whom was the evil spirit leaped on them, mastered all of them and overpowered them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded. 17And this became known to all the residents of Ephesus, both Jews and Greeks. And fear fell upon them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was extolled. (Acts 19:13-17).

Matthew Henry says of trying to exorcise demons outside the authority of God,

It was common, especially among the Jews, for persons to profess or to try to cast out evil spirits. If we resist the devil by faith in Christ, he will flee from us; but if we think to resist him by the using of Christ’s name, or his works, as a spell or charm, Satan will prevail against us.

HuffPo via Washington Post and Getty Images

In one last quote from the article, Vatican Exorcism Course Draws 170 Students to Study Demonic Activity,

Pope Francis has spoken of the devil repeatedly, insisting that he is real and must be fought. This generation, the Pope said last October, “was led to believe that the devil was a myth, a picture, an idea, the idea of evil. But the devil exists, and we have to fight him.” Pope Francis has praised the work of exorcists, priests dedicated to the work of deliverance and casting out demons. According to the Pope, priests devoted to the ministry of exorcism “manifest the Church’s love and acceptance of those who suffer because of the devil’s works.”

Well we all suffer because of the devils’ works, the unsaved and the saved. But of course they are focusing on the exact wrong thing, satan, when we all should be focusing on Jesus. But RCC priests cannot focus on Jesus becuase they are an enemy to Him.

In general, if a person is not in Christ, he is a friend of satan. 1 John 2 outlines the dichotomy. If you love the world, you’re not a friend to Jesus, and vice versa. Satan can certain possess any person who is of this world because this world is temporarily his. (2 Cor 4:4). Satan dividing satan is not logical, as Jesus eloquently explained to the Pharisees.

Alternately, if you’re a Christian, you cannot be possessed. The Holy Spirit is sealed within us as a guarantee of the deposit of our inheritance (Ephesians 4:30, 1:13-14). No one can break that seal, only God, and God has said He will not. (James 1:18, John 10:28). Moreover we are called to resist the devil, (James 4:7) not take classes in demonic ninja and then go out to find him and fight him.

What fruit will it bear to keep our eyes on satan, when our eyes should be on Jesus? Chasing after demons brings nothing to Jesus but pride, arrogance, and wasted time. HE is our all in all, sufficient for all battles. (Judges 7:7).

Friends, do not let all this talk of increasing demonic activity pique your interest. The Catholics, Hindus, and other adherents to false religions may play at exorcism, may utter what they believe is heaven sent gibberish, may seek satan on the battleground, but we are to seek Christ-

Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually! (Psalm 105:4).

Our weapon is prayer. Do we believe we have the strength to overcome 5000 demons, the number that was reported inhabiting the man in the Gadarene tombs? (Luke 8:26-39). Our strength is puny compared to the heavenly power of even the unholy angels, whom we dare not blaspheme (2 Peter 2:12). We are to rely on His strength, and He will deliver us one way or another.

If someone comes to you with a report of supernatural activity such as tongues, demon deliverance by any other method except salvation, or any supernatural miracle, be skeptical. Very skeptical. Seek the Lord, who is Good; not satan, who is evil.


Further Reading:

Can Christians be demon-possessed?

According to 1 Peter 1:5, when Christ reigns in a person’s life, that person is kept by God’s power. As a result, “the evil one does not touch him”  (1 John 5:18). When the Holy Spirit inhabits a person, no demon can set up house as a squatter. Indwelling by demons is only evidence of a lack of genuine salvation.

Can a Christian today perform an exorcism? What does the Bible say about casting out demons?

Interestingly, there seems to be a shift in the latter part of the New Testament regarding demonic warfare. The teaching portions of the New Testament (Romans through Jude) refer to demonic activity, yet do not discuss the actions of casting them out, nor are believers exhorted to do so. We are told to put on the armor to stand against them (Ephesians 6:10-18). We are told to resist the devil (James 4:7), be careful of him (1 Peter 5:8), and not give him room in our lives (Ephesians 4:27). However, we are not told how to cast him or his demons out of others, or that we should even consider doing so.

Vatican Exorcism Course Aims Comes Amid Growing Interest in Occult

The Vatican was holding a course about exorcism this week amid a burgeoning interest in the practice and the occult in general, according to one of the organizers. “We have held this course for the past 10 years, and the numbers of those who want to attend keep growing,” said Giuseppe Ferrari of the Research Group of Socio-Religious Formation, one of the event’s organizers. “Initially we had 50 students. This year we had 200 people from 30 countries around the world,” he said on Friday.