Posted in theology

Sunday Martyr Moment: Davy and Natalie Lloyd, Missionaries to Haiti, Update

By Elizabeth Prata

I write earlier today about two missionaries in Haiti who were beaten, killed and burned by a vicious gangs in Haiti. In the first of two incidents on Thursday, May 23, a roving vicious gang entered the compound, tied up Davy adn Natalie, and also Jude Montis, the mission’s leader. They were beaten, and their belongigns from the Lloyd’s house and around the comploud were loaded onto a truck and stolen. Stafferes untied the thrio after the gang left.

However, a short time later, a second, even more vicious gang overcame the barricades the leaders had erected, and killed the couple. Also killed was Jude Montis. The men’s bodies were burned.

Natalie Baker Lloyd is the daughter of Missouri state Rep. Ben Baker.

On his Facebook page, Rep. Baker announced the news of the young couple’s murder. Davy was 23 years old and Natalie was just 21. The two were married in June 2022. The compound, which hosts a dormitory, bakery, dorms, home, and a church, was built and maintained by the mission, which is Missions in Haiti, founded in 1998 by Davy’s father, David Lloyd II and his wife Alicia.

David LLoyd wrote on the night in question that he had been on the phone with his son Davy when the gang arrived. Mr Lloyd Senior wrote,

Davy, Natalie and the kids were coming out of Youth at the church they were ambushed by a gang of 3 trucks full of guys. Davy was taken to the house tied up and beat. The gang then took our trucks and loaded everything up they wanted and left.

This first gang left. But another one soon arrived.

So they are holed up in there, the gangs has shot all the windows out of the house and continue to shoot. Their lives are in danger. I have been trying all my contacts to get a police armored car there to evacuate them out to safety but can’t get anyone to do. I also am trying to negotiate with the gang so how much $ to stand down and let them leave and get to safety. PLEASE PRAYit’s going to be a long night

Little did Davy’s father know how long. The worry for their children so many thousands of miles away must have been wrenching for the family.

We know from reports that Davy left the phone conversation with his dad to go see what the commotion was by the gate. That was the interruption in the conversation that later ended his life.

Rep. Baker had written that if you see a link to the bodies of Davy, Natalie, and Jude, PLEASE do not view it. An update from the family posted on Rep. Baker’s Facebook page states,

Things are looking very positive for the transport home for Davy and Natalie. There are two very good options for the family to choose from, mostly settled. Prayers for their discernment in their choice, and then for all of the logistics to be worked out smoothly as planned. Rough timeline seems to be about mid to late next week, best case scenario. Dealing with a foreign country presents its unforeseen challenges, but we are all hopeful. Another reminder that there are only 2 officially sanctioned GoFundMe pages out there, one by Jeremie Bridges, and another by Dirk Deaton and Chris Slinkard. Please report any social media posts that are advertising anything but those two.

Jeremie Brodges GoFundMe: Support for Davy and Natalie’s Funeral Expenses

Chris Slinkard GoFundMe: Support for Baker & Lloyd Families

Davy had loved Haiti all his life. He learned Creole as a tot and was eager to return from Bible college and begin serving, which he did in 2022. He ‘knew’ he would serve the Lord there even when he was a young boy. Davy wanted only to marry a woman who would joyfully serve in Haiti with him, and he found that mate in Natalie.

As Natalie’s father, Missouri state Rep. Ben Baker said in a Facebook post. “They went to Heaven together.”

Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. For you are just a vapor that appears for a little while, and then vanishes away. James 4:14.

They were there, and then they were not. The Lord took them. The Lord is good.

Source Natalie’s reel on Instagram from their wedding album
Posted in theology

Sunday Martyr Moment: Haitian Missionaries Davy and Natalie Lloyd

By Elizabeth Prata

Updated with more information here

Sundays are a good time to think about those who preceded us in death for the cause of Christ. In this series, all the past essays have presented honor to those who were persecuted unto death from Paul’s time through the first waves of persecutions, ending with persecutions under Marcus Aurelius in 162AD, with one essay leaping forward in time to present honor to the martyr Jan Huss who was killed in 1415.

Today I bring you sad news of a current persecution unto death for the name of Christ. On May 23, 2024, three missionaries, including an American couple, were killed by gang in Haiti

The CNN news reports, linked above, states,

Three missionaries, including a married couple from the US, were killed in Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince, on Thursday evening. Davy and Natalie Lloyd “were attacked by gangs this evening and were both killed,” Natalie Lloyd’s father, Missouri state Rep. Ben Baker, said in a Facebook post. “They went to Heaven together.”

“Please pray for my family we desperately need strength. And please pray for the Lloyd family as well,” Baker said. Mission director Jude Montis, 45, was also killed. All three worked for Missions in Haiti, Inc., which has been operated by Davy Lloyd’s parents for more than two decades, according to the group’s website.

Davy Lloyd, 23, had a “love for Haiti,” his father David Lloyd told CNN. “His first language was Creole. He used to tell us when he was little that someday he was going to be a missionary in Haiti.” He and Natalie Lloyd, 21, were ambushed as they left church in Port-au-Prince on Thursday evening, according to David Lloyd.

This photo provided by Brad Searcy Photography shows Davy and Natalie Lloyd. 
Brad Searcy Photography via AP

The situation in Haiti had become volatile and excessively dangerous. In fact, the airport at Port-Au -Prince had been closed for three months due to gang violence and chaos. When it reopened last week, Davy’s father David Lloyd, who ran the mission from the US, asked if Davy and his wife Natalie wanted to leave. They said no, because there were children they were taking care of. They loved Haiti and the Haitians, and wanted to continue serving them in the name of Jesus, despite the fact that violence had severely escalated, and kidnappings were rampant, especially targeting Missionaries.

Davy was actually on the phone with his father David when the attacks occurred. He and Natalie had been beaten, but survived the first wave of attacks. But the gang returned, and shot Davy and Jude and set their bodies on fire. They also killed Natalie. The US Embassy eventually obtained the bodies of the two Americans and are currently searching for a plane that will return them home.

Though their bodies have not yet found eternal rest, their souls are now safe in the arms of Jesus, with eternal peace and a crown for their gift of life given to Him for His name.

No doubt hearing ‘Well done, good and faithful servant’ upon their co-arrival to heaven.

James 1:12 and Revelation 2:10

Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has [a]been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. James 1:12

Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to cast some of you into prison, so that you will be tested, and you will have tribulation for ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. Revelation 2:10