Posted in encouragement, theology

What is precious?

By Elizabeth Prata


Precious means something of exceedingly high value.

What is precious according to the Bible?

The blood of Christ! 1 Peter 1:19

The children of Zion! Lamentations 4:2

Jesus’ promises! 2 Peter 1:4

Our life! Psalm 35:17

His steadfast love! Psalm 36:7

The blood of the needy, poor, weak, oppressed! Psalm 72:14

The death of His saints! Psalm 116:15

The one who finds wisdom! Proverbs 3:15

Wealth gotten by a diligent man! Proverbs 12:27

An excellent wife! Proverbs 31:10

Jesus the cornerstone! Isaiah 28:16

The faith that is more than gold! 1 Peter 1:7

A gentle and quiet spirit! 1 Peter 3:4

Us, the living stones! 1 Peter 2:4

Even in days of uncertainty, persecution, or chaos, we have, possess, and carry, PRECIOUS gifts from our loving Father… who is, the MOST precious of all. We possess Jesus, and nothing compares to Him.


Christian writer and Georgia teacher's aide who loves Jesus, a quiet life, art, beauty, and children.

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